Mather Spectrum Part 1
In this post I discuss a result on the spectrum of diffeomorphisms. Credit to Thomas O’Hare for discussing the result with me and showing me a proof.
Set Up
Here, we’ll be following Mather’s paper and Pesin’s book in order to prove a nice result connecting the Mather spectrum to dynamical properties. First let’s set up some notation and definitions.
Let \(f : M \rightarrow M\) be a \(C^1\) diffeomorphism on a smooth Riemannian manifold. We can consider the module \(\Gamma^0(TM)\), which is the module of continuous vector fields on \(M\). Alternatively, we can also just view this as a real vector space (which will be useful in the future). We can convert \(f\) into an operator. Let \(f_* : \Gamma^0(TM) \rightarrow \Gamma^0(TM)\) be the operator defined by
\[f_*(v)(x) = df(v(f^{-1}(x))).\]Note this is a continuous linear operator. Recall the complexification of \(f_*\) is the operator \(T : \Gamma^0(TM) \otimes \mathbb{C} \rightarrow \Gamma^0(TM) \otimes \mathbb{C}\) which is defined by \(T(v \otimes z) = f_*(v) \otimes z.\) We define the Mather spectrum of \(f\) to be the spectrum of \(T_f\) (Note: some authors continue to write this as \(f_*\)). Thus the Mather spectrum is going to be the set of all \(\lambda \in \mathbb{C}\) so that \(T_f - \lambda I\) is not invertible. We denote it by \(\text{sp}(T_f)\).
Main Result and Proofs
Main Result
The idea is that we’ve converted dynamical data into functional data – that is, we’ve converted the study of the diffeomorphism \(f\) into the study of this operator \(T_f\). The natural questions are as follows: What info do we get on \(T_f\) from \(f\) and what info do we recover from \(f\) using \(T_f\)? It turns out a surprising amount of data can be encoded in this operator. Namely, Mather claims the following in his paper:
Theorem: We have that \(f\) is an Anosov diffeomorphism if and only if \(1 \notin \text{sp}(T_f)\).
The goal of this post is to show the proof for the following technical lemma.
Lemma: If the non-periodic points of \(f\) are dense, \(\mu \in \text{sp}(T_f)\) and \(\lambda \in \mathbb{C}\) is such that \(\|\lambda\| = 1\), then \(\lambda \mu \in \text{sp}(T_f)\).
Proof of Lemma
Let \(r > 0\) and consider the set
\[S_r := \{\lambda \in \mathbb{C} : \|\lambda\| = r\}.\]In the complex plane, this is just the ball of radius \(r\). Suppose that there is a \(\mu \in \text{sp}(T_f)\) and there is a \(\lambda\) so that \(\lambda \mu \notin \text{sp}(T_f)\). In particular this means that for \(r = \|\mu\|\) we have \(S_r \cap \text{sp}(T_f) \neq S_r\) nor \(\varnothing\). Let \(\mu \in \partial \text{sp}(T_f)\) be one boundary point. Our goal is to show that there cannot be such a \(\mu\). Mather breaks this up into two steps.
Step 1: We wish to show that there is no \(\epsilon > 0\) so that
\[\|(T_f - \mu I)\xi\| \geq \epsilon \|\xi\| \text{ for all } \xi \in \Gamma^0(TM).\]Suppose one did exist for contradiction. Our goal is to show that \(\mu\) cannot be a boundary point, which gives us our contradiction. If such an \(\epsilon\) exists, then we have that \(T_f - \mu I\) is injective since the kernel must be trivial by the above \(\epsilon\). We claim the image must be closed and proper. Let \(Y := (T_f - \mu I)(X)\).
Claim: \(Y\) is closed and proper.
Proof: To show that it is closed, let \((y_n) \subseteq Y\) be such that \(y_n \rightarrow y\). The goal is to show \(y \in Y\). We may write \(y_n = (T_f - \mu I)(x_n)\) for some \((x_n) \subseteq \Gamma^0(TM)\). Notice that we have
\[\|(T_f - \mu I)(x_n)\| \geq \epsilon \|x_n\|.\]In particular,
\[\|x_n - x_m\| \leq \epsilon^{-1} \|(T_f - \mu I)(x_n - x_m)\| = \epsilon^{-1} \|y_n - y_m\| \rightarrow 0.\]Thus \((x_n)\) is a Cauchy sequence, so \(x_n \rightarrow x\). Now \(T_f - \mu I\) is continuous, so \(Y\) is closed. Notice that \(Y\) cannot be the entire subspace since \(\mu \in \text{sp}(T_f)\). \(\blacksquare\)
Now \(Y\) is closed and proper implies that we can find \(x \in \Gamma^0(TM)\) so that
\[\inf_{y \in Y} \|y - x\| =: \delta > 0.\]Now let
\[B := \{ y \in \Gamma^0(TM) : \|y\| \leq 2 \epsilon^{-1} \|x\| \}.\]We wish to show that for sufficiently small \(\alpha\) we have \(T_f - (\mu + \alpha)I\) fails to be surjective (in particular fails to hit \(x\)) and so \(\mu\) cannot be a boundary point. Let’s examine the image \((T_f - (\mu + \alpha)I)(B^c).\) Notice that \(z \in B^c\) implies that
\[\|z\| > 2 \epsilon^{-1} \|x\|.\]Now using this and the reverse triangle inequality we get
\[\|(T_f - (\mu + \alpha)I)(z)\| = \|(T_f - \mu I)(z) - \alpha z\| \geq \|(T_f - \mu I)(z)\| - \|\alpha z\| \geq \epsilon \|z\| - \|\alpha\| \|z\|.\]If we assume that \(\|\alpha\| < \epsilon/2\) then we have
\[\|(T_f - (\mu + \alpha)I)(z)\| > \frac{\epsilon}{2} \|z\| > \|x\|\]since \(z \in B^c\). Thus if \(\|\alpha\| < \epsilon/2\) then \(x \notin (T_f - (\mu + \alpha)I)(B^c)\). On the other hand, let \(z \in B\), so
\[\|z\| \leq 2 \epsilon^{-1} \|x\|.\]Then we have
\[\|(T_f - (\mu + \alpha)I)(z)\| = \|(T_f - \mu I)(z) - (\alpha z)\| = \|(T_f - \mu I)(z) - \alpha x + \alpha x - (\alpha z)\| \leq \|\alpha\| \delta + \|\alpha\| \|x - z\|.\]Now we know that
\[\|x - z\| \leq \|x\| + \|z\| \leq (1 + 2/\epsilon)\|x\|.\]Plugging this in, we get
$$|(T_f - (\mu + \alpha)I)(z)| \leq |\alpha| (\delta + 1 + 2/\epsilon) |x|.
We want to choose $\alpha$ so that
\[\|\alpha\| (\delta + 1 + 2/\epsilon) < 1.\]So if we choose $\alpha$ so that
\[\|\alpha\| < \min \left\{ \frac{\epsilon}{2}, \delta + 1 + \frac{2}{\epsilon} \right\},\]then the result follows. But this means that \(\mu\) cannot be a boundary point, which results in a contradiction. This establishes Step 1.
Step 2: As an intermediate step, let’s assume that we can show that for every \(\epsilon > 0\) we can find a \(w \in \Gamma^0(TM)\) with \(\|w\| = 1\) so that
\[\|(T_f - \lambda \mu I)(w)\| \leq \epsilon.\]We claim that this is establishes that \(\lambda \mu \in \text{sp}(T_f)\). In particular, for each \(n\) we can find \(w_n\) with \(\|w_n\| = 1\) so that
\[\|(T_f - \lambda \mu I)(w_n)\| \leq 1/n.\]We have \((w_n)\) lives in the unit sphere which is compact. We can take a subsequence so that \(w_n \rightarrow w\) with \(\|w\| = 1\). Notice by continuity this tells us that
\[\|(T_f - \lambda \mu I)(w)\| = 0.\]Thus we get that the operator fails to be injective, and so this is an eigenvalue.
Step 3: Step 2 illustrates our goal. We wish to show that for every \(\epsilon > 0\) we can find \(w \in \Gamma^0(TM)\) so that
\[\|(T_f - \lambda \mu I)(w)\| \leq \epsilon.\]By Step 1, we know that for every \(\epsilon > 0\) there is a \(v \in \Gamma^0(TM)\) so that \(\|v\| = 1\) and
\[\|(T_f - \mu I)(v)\| \leq \epsilon.\]In particular, fixing \(\epsilon > 0\), we may assume
\[\|(T_f - \mu I)(v)\| \leq \frac{\epsilon}{4}.\]By density, we can find a non-periodic point \(x \in M\) so that
\[\|v(x)\| \geq \frac{1}{2}.\]Let \(n\) be so that \(n \geq 4\|\mu\|/\epsilon\). Observe that since it is not periodic we can find a neighborhood \(U\) of \(x\) so that
\[f^j(U) \cap f^k(U) = \varnothing \text{ for } -n \leq j < k \leq n.\]Let \(\phi : U \rightarrow [0,1]\) be a continuous function with compact support contained in \(U\) so that \(\phi(x) = 1\). Let
\[W := \bigcup_{k=-n}^n f^k(U).\]We define
\[\psi(y) := \begin{cases}0 \text{ if } y \notin W, \\ \left(1 - \frac{\mid k \mid}{n} \right) \lambda^{-k} (\phi \circ f^{-k})(y) \text{ if } y \in f^k(U).\end{cases}\]We observe that \(\psi\) is continuous, since it is continuous on the bands \(f^k(U)\) and the bands are disjoint. Observe that if \(\eta := \psi v \in \Gamma^0(TM)\) then
\[\|\eta \| \geq \|\eta(x)\| = \|\psi(x)\| \|v (x)\|.\]We then observe that \(\|\psi(x)\| = 1\) and by choice we have \(\|v(x)\| \geq 1/2\), so
\[\|\eta \| = \|\psi(x)\| \|v(x)\| \geq \frac{1}{2}.\]In particular, this is a non-zero vector field. Now notice that
\[T_f(w)(x) = Df(w(f^{-1}(x))) = Df( \psi(f^{-1}(x)) v(f^{-1}(x))) = \psi(f^{-1}(x)) Df(v(f^{-1}(x))).\]Rearranging terms, we get
\[T_f(w) = (\psi \circ f^{-1}) T_f(v).\]Now using this we have
\[\|(T_f - \lambda \mu I)(\eta)\| = \| (\psi \circ f^{-1}) T_f(v) - \mu \lambda \psi v\|.\]Our goal is to try to ignore the \(\lambda\) term. We rewrite this as
\[\|(T_f - \lambda \mu I)(\eta)\| = \| (\psi \circ f^{-1}) T_f(v) - (\psi \circ f^{-1})\mu v + (\psi \circ f^{-1})\mu v - \mu \lambda \psi v\|.\]By the triangle inequality,
\[\|(T_f - \lambda \mu I)(\eta)\| \leq \| T_f(v) - \mu v\| + \|(\psi \circ f^{-1})\mu v - \mu \lambda \psi v\|.\]Apriori we know that \(\|T_f(v) - \mu v\| \leq \epsilon/4\). On the other hand, we can rewrite the next term as
\[\|(\psi \circ f^{-1})\mu v - \mu \lambda \psi v\| = \|\mu\| \|(\psi \circ f^{-1}) - \lambda \psi\| \|v\|.\]Now notice that if \(y \in W\) then \(y \in f^k(U)\) for some \(k\). This implies that \(z := f^{-1}(y)\) would be in \(f^{k-1}(U)\). Suppose they are both in \(W\). This tells us that
\[\psi(z) = \left(1 - \frac{k-1}{n} \right) \lambda^{-k+1} (\phi \circ f^{-k+1})(z) = \left(1 - \frac{k-1}{n} \right) \lambda^{-k+1} (\phi \circ f^{-k})(y).\]On the other hand,
\[\psi(y) = \left(1 - \frac{k}{n} \right) \lambda^{-k} (\phi \circ f^{-k})(y).\]Thus
\[\psi(f^{-1}(y)) - \lambda \psi(y) =\left(1 - \frac{k-1}{n} \right) \lambda^{-k+1} (\phi \circ f^{-k})(y) - \left(1 - \frac{k}{n} \right) \lambda^{-k+1} (\phi \circ f^{-k})(y) = \frac{1}{n}(\phi \circ f^{-k})(y).\]Wrapping this in an absolute value sign gives us
\[\| \psi \circ f^{-1} - \lambda \psi\| \leq \frac{1}{n}.\]There are some other extraneous cases to consider, but all of them lead to a similar situation. Thus we have
\[\|(T_f - \lambda \mu I)(\eta)\| \leq \frac{\epsilon}{4} + \frac{\|\mu\|}{n} \leq \frac{\epsilon}{2}.\]Let \(w := \eta/\|\eta\|\). Then \(w\) is such that
\[\|(T_f - \lambda \mu)(w)\| \leq \epsilon.\]Since we can do this for any \(\epsilon\), we conclude that \(\lambda \mu \in \text{sp}(T_f)\), as desired. \(\blacksquare\)
We’ll pick up next time with proving the theorem.