
Spring 2021 Semester

In this post, I talk a bit about the semester.


Yet another long semester. This one seemed a little better than the last – maybe I’m actually getting used to the online experience? Luckily things are looking up more. I’ve just received my second vaccination and will be able to go back to in-person classes in the fall.

This semester I took a course on smooth ergodic theory as well as a course in Teichmuller theory. Most of the work in the latter course was in presentations, and I don’t think my presentation notes make great notes, so I won’t be posting much about that at all. I did, however, have a write up for the first course which I’m pretty proud of. You can find a link to that here. One can think of this as an improvement to my cohomological equations notes from last semester.

My plans for the summer are to sort of repeat what I did last semester. I want to sit down and work through the Guillman-Khazdan paper (see my write up above for more details) and hopefully learn more on magnetic flows. To help make things a little more structured, I hope to return to the weekly update post I did last semester, where I’ll write a little blurb about what I’ve been working on. If I find I’m not able to do that, I hope to at least make some kind of a write up with notes on these topics. I also plan to write up some notes on one of Ratners papers (titled “Markov Splitting for U-Flows in Three Dimensional Manifolds”), so hopefully I’ll have that up soon. An old student is interested in learning some measure theory (and I plan to sneak in some dynamics), so I’ll either have posts or notes on what we’re talking about week to week.

Written on April 28, 2021